Saturday, April 23, 2022

Conditional Cash Transfers & the Global Brain

 Alison McDowell joins us to discuss her article and research on Conditional Cash Transfers and the experimental laboratory for such programs that are based in countries like Mexico.  We begin this 2 part series with a discussion about what is behind such programs and where the lead.  That means a discussion of the ‘planetary socialism’ and the Global Brain. Check it out!

Episode Slide Deck:

Article on Conditional Cash Transfers:

Alison’s Website:

Synthetic "SMART" World by Design

Some context, On Palantir.

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Paul K. Haeder said...

Maslow, born in Kiev, Jewish. And, if you really look at these folks working on social impact, behavioralism, financing, metaverse, surveillance, Internet of all things, oh, there is a preponderance of people who have self-described themselves as Jewish, Israel-Firsters, Zionists, and even secular Jews. But this is a strong thread in what you look at, and while you look at the Catholic Church, the COnquest, domination, it should not be verboten to talk about who these elites are, who is pulling the strings, who are the super-star engineers, the financiers, and even those in the realm of cyber psychology.

The Good Person
In the final years of his life and career, Maslow made some bold assertions. He argued for a normative what ought to be approach to the future of humankind. Social reformers should state clearly what they mean by ‘good persons’ and promote social action that encourages more like them. He wrote:We must have better human beings or else it is quite possible that we may all be wiped out, and even if not wiped out, we will certainly live in tension and anxiety as a species.This Good Person can equally be called the self-evolving person, the fully illuminated or awakened or perspicuous man or women, the fully human person, the self-actualizing person, etc. In any case it is quite clear that no social reforms, no beautiful constitutionsor beautiful programs or laws will be of any consequence unless people are healthy enough, evolved enough, strong enough, good enough to understand them and to want to put them into practice in the right way.

Maslow felt he had a good appreciation for the type of individuals society should cultivate and model itself after. These were the self-actualizers, particularly when they were drawing on lessons or insights from their peak and plateau experiences to shape a better life for themselves and the world. He saw them as advanced scouts, as ‘superior’ people, who knew better than the rest of us what is good, beautiful, and truthful. We should use them, he insisted, as our experts, just as “art collectors will hire art experts to help them with their buying.” He echoed the words of Aristotle: What the superior man thinks is good, that is what is really good. He went farther: What these superior people value is what I will come to value; and these values will be seen, in time, to be the ultimate values for the whole species.

Paul K. Haeder said...

Of course, he was impressed with the Blackfoot nation, Through his research and life experiences, it became obvious to Maslow that the key to a better future for both individuals and societyin all respects requires tapping more fully into our potential for wholeness. This includes ethical behavior, but more so extends to our genius, our joy, our wonder, our appreciation for life’s bounties, and our support for one another’s growth.This potential for wholeness, he insisted, is innate, yet remains only modestly accessed.The seeds for Maslow’s insights regarding human potential were planted in the summer of1938, which he spent with the Northern Blackfoot tribe. Maslow was profoundly impressed by the cooperativeness, non-competitiveness, and sharing which Blackfoot people exhibited in their daily lives as cultural norms. He contrasted their generosity and social-mindedness with thegreed and egocentricity that were prevalent and often actively promoted in mainstream culture.The Blackfoot culture drew out humanity’s best qualities; the western culture did this less welland often frustrated the emergence of these good qualities.

So much in Talmudic writings, about superiority and inferiority, and eugenics . . . goyim.

"The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts."Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b

"The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the dog more than the non-Jew."
Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30

"Even though God created the non-Jew they are still animals in human form. It is not becoming for a Jew to be served by an animal. Therfore he will be served by animals in human form."
Midrasch Talpioth, p. 255, Warsaw 1855

"A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant animal."
Coschen hamischpat 405

"The souls of non-Jews come from impure spirits and are called pigs."
Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b

"Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human."
Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b

"If you eat with a Gentile, it is the same as eating with a dog."
Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b

"If a Jew has a non-Jewish servant or maid who dies, one should not express sympathy to the Jew. You should tell the Jew: "God will replace 'your loss', just as if one of his oxen or asses had died"."
Jore dea 377, 1

"Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like intercourse between animals."
Talmud Sanhedrin 74b

"It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile."
Sepher ikkarim III c 25

"It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah."
Coschen hamischpat 425 Hagah 425. 5

"A heretic Gentile you may kill outright with your own hands."
Talmud, Abodah Zara, 4b

"Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God."
Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772

Paul K. Haeder said...

Oh, the Westerner leavng Canada, USA, EU . . . Heading to Baja, Mexico, Costa Rica, everywhere! Viral!

May Andre rest in protest: Here, By Andre Vltchek

09 October, 2015

Tens of millions of European and North American immigrants, legal and illegal, have been flooding both the cities and countryside in Asia, Latin America, and even Africa.

Western migrantsare charging like bulls and the ground is shaking under their feet; they are fleeing Europe and North America in hordes. Deep down they cannot stand their own lifestyle, their own societies, but you would hardly hear them pronounce it. They are too proud and too arrogant! But, after recognizinginnumerable areas of the world as suitable for their personal needs - as safe, attractive and cheap – they simply pack and go!

We are told that some few hundred thousand African and Asian exiles are now causing a great “refugee crises” all over Europe! Governments and media are spreading panic, borders are being re-erected and armed forces areinterrupting the free movement of people. But the number of foreigners illegally entering Europe is incomparably smaller than the number of Western migrants that are inundating, often illegally, virtually all corners of the world.

No “secret paradise” can be hidden any longer and no country can maintain itsreasonable price structure. Potential European,North American and Australianimmigrants are determined to enrich themselves by any means, atthe expense of local populations.They are constantly searching for bargains: monitoring prices everywhere, ready to move at the spur of the moment, as long as the place offers some great bargains, has lax immigration laws, and a weak legal framework.

Everything pure and untapped gets corrupted. With lightning speed, Western immigrantsare snatching reasonably priced real estate and land. Then, they impose their lifestyle on all those “newly conquered territories”. As a result, entire cultures are collapsing or changing beyond recognition.

Overall, Western immigrants are arrogant and stubborn; they feel no pity for the countries they are inundating. What surrounds them is only some colorful background to their precious lives. They are unable and unwilling to “adopt” local customs, because they are used to the fact that theirs is the “leading culture” - the culture that controls the world.

They come, they demand, and they take whatever they can -often by force. If unchecked, they take everything. After, when there is almost nothing left to loot, they simply move on. After them, “no grass can grow”; everything is burned, ruined and corrupted. Like Bali, Phuket, Southern Sri Lanka, great parts of the Caribbean, Mexico and East African coast, just to name a few places.

Paul K. Haeder said...

You got it wrong, Eduardo, a lot, tied to Ukraine, in thirty seconds. I have not been following What's Left's shows, and I have zero idea how the four of you tackle the lies of Ukraine, the Nazi's, etc . However, referencing your point around 1: 13 into the show. The UkiNazi's are using the American technology to hurt Russian families, and to threaten them. Typical of that sick ZioLensky . . . . Those in touch with facial recognition software have always warned the technology could carry some pretty grim uses, but this one is unexpected: The Ukrainian military is using facial recognition AI to identify fallen Russian soldiers, then contact their next of kin.

Ukraine has used the technology to analyze the faces of more than 8,600 deceased or captured Russian soldiers since Putin ordered the invasion in

February, according to a new report by The Washington Post. These scans have been used to identify and contact the families of 582 individuals—a somber task that falls to the Ukrainian IT Army, which is made up of volunteers but directed by the government. Some of the death notifications even include photos of the deceased soldier in question.

The facial recognition AI in question is by US software company Clearview AI, which has made headlines before for threatening to effectively end anonymity as we know it. The company’s namesake app works by matching facial scans against a massive database made up of photos from social media, digital wallets, and other websites and mobile apps. These photos are connected to other data, revealing where the target individual has lived, worked, shopped, or traveled, among other information. Though Clearview AI isn’t said to exist for any one specific purpose, it’s most notably used by hundreds of law enforcement agencies who use the app in numerous (and sometimes worrisome) ways, from assisting with identity theft or child pornography cases to identifying activists at protests.

On February 15, Amnesty International published a report exposing how the New York Police Department has constructed a vast metropolis-spanning surveillance network heavily reliant on highly controversial facial recognition technology (FRT), which serves to “reinforce discriminatory policing against minority communities.”

Once a science fiction staple, the Orwellian technology is quickly becoming normalized, wholeheartedly embraced by police forces up and down the nation. FRT allows police to compare CCTV imagery and other sources with traditional photographic records, as well as databases of billions of headshots, some of which are crudely pulled from individuals’ social media profiles without their knowledge or consent. The NYPD is a particularly enthusiastic user – or, perhaps, abuser – of FRT, with 25,500 cameras spanning the city today.

There is also a clear racial component to FRT deployment in New York – Amnesty found that in areas where the proportion of non-white residents is higher, so too is the concentration of FRT-equipped CCTV cameras. As such, the organization argues it has supplanted traditional ‘stop-and-frisk’ operations by law enforcement.

Between 2002 and 2019, innocent New Yorkers were searched and questioned in public by law enforcement over five million times. This reached a peak in 2011, a year during which almost 700,000 people were stopped and frisked. While the tactic’s usage has fallen significantly in the years since, the number of FRT-equipped surveillance devices in the city has multiplied significantly in the same period.

Paul K. Haeder said...

And all too often, the technology is used to “identify, track and harass” protesters. For example, analysis of routes to Black Lives Matter demonstrations in mid-2020 typically taken by attendees revealed “nearly total surveillance coverage” by FRT-equipped cameras. In August that year, FRT was used to track down a protester who’d committed the egregious crime of yelling near a law enforcement official, leading to over 50 officers surrounding his apartment and shutting down the surrounding streets, while NYPD helicopters hovered menacingly overhead.

In sum, Amnesty judges New York’s FRT network to “violate the right to privacy, and threaten the rights to freedom of assembly, equality and non-discrimination.” While unambiguously shocking, its report represents the tip of the iceberg in respect of FRT usage by the NYPD – not least because the department refused to disclose public records regarding its acquisition of FRT and other surveillance tools in response to Amnesty’s requests, prompting the rights group to take legal action, which remains ongoing as of February 2022.

Much of New York City’s modern surveillance infrastructure falls under the Domain Awareness System (DAS), conceived following the 9/11 attacks – the NYPD is supported in this effort by partnerships with surveillance camera company Pelco, tech giant Microsoft, and the FBI’s counterterrorism wing.

Events such as the attempted 2010 Times Square police car bombing provided justification for an even more expansive FRT rollout, meaning that today, local forces in all of New York’s five boroughs have carte blanche access to databases containing extensive data on citizens and vehicle registration plates, among other things.

Even more troublingly, emails obtained by MuckRock testify to an intimate relationship between the NYPD and Clearview AI. The firm’s artificial intelligence applications allow police to upload images of suspects and compare them to a 10 billion-strong database of facial images scraped from the web, including public websites and social media accounts without adequate privacy settings.

Clearview’s website boasts of its ability to provide police with customized mugshot and watchlist galleries and facilitate collaboration with other agencies on a regional and national level. Its quest to become the centralized source of facial recognition imagery has been furthered by over 1,800 public agencies testing or using it. Beyond police forces, the technology’s tentacles reach schools, hospitals, immigration, and the Air Force, among a great many others.

The company features prominently in a 2021 Government Accountability Office review of FRT use, which found that 18 out of 24 US federal agencies – a total which didn’t even include intelligence services, such as the CIA – employed FRT systems in 2020 for purposes including cyber security, domestic law enforcement, and surveillance.

Six (the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice, Defense, Health and Human Services, Interior, and Treasury) reported using the technology “to generate leads in criminal investigations, such as identifying a person of interest by comparing images of the person against databases of mugshots or from other law enforcement encounters.”

Numerous well-promoted studies have vouched for the immense precision and efficacy of FRT – research published in April 2020 by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, stated the best FRT systems have “near-perfect accuracy” in “ideal conditions.”