Saturday, August 27, 2022

Revisiting the Border

 Eduardo and Andy go back to their roots as the original “What’s Left?” duo and discuss more deeply Eduardo’s work in Colombia and give more information on his fundraising efforts to help his friends from Venezuela in their travels North.  It leads to us returning to an issue that we 

Find out more about our anti-mandate group: Workers & Students for Choice

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Saturday, August 20, 2022

Pre-Marxist Social Formation and Other Early Encounters of a Marxian


This week, “What’s Left?” Interviews Jeff Strahl.  A fellow traveller in Workers and Students for Choice and frequent intellectual contributor to our podcast.  Jeff is one of the few Marxists who did not fall for the for the Covid narrative and has been a staunch critic of the science that is used to justify it and the Capitalist drive that shapes the political and economic landscape around it.  Jeff has a unique take on Marxism that has helped him see through fear fog that surrounds Covid, and we look to discuss his ideas about Marxism more deeply in this episode. There is only one hitch.  He is NOTa Marxist.

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Find out more about our anti-mandate group: Workers & Students for Choice

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Sunday, August 14, 2022

Astrology and the Science of Being Human

 Today, we explore our personal birth charts with our very own astrologist and co-host of “What’s Left?”, Jessica Holmes. We learn what astrology is and how we are, and most things, are influenced by the celestial bodies in this ancient art. This episode is a break away from our usual intense coverage of political issues but very related to the possibility of holding onto our humanity. Check us out!

Co-host Eduardo Abarca´s Refugee Support Donation link:

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Friday, August 5, 2022

Pelosi’s $90,000,000 Plane Ride

In the midst of USA´s House Speaker Nancy Pelosi´s visit to Taiwan, US and Chinese tensions have risen. Is another show of power straight from the playbook of the Ukrainian provocation? What political theatre is at play here? We discuss what we think is really going on behind the political curtain. Check us out.

Co-host Eduardo Abarca´s Refugee Support Donation link:

ITunes and Spotify only display our last 100 episodes:

To see all our episodes go to:

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Find out more about our anti-mandate group: Workers & Students for Choice

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