Sunday, September 15, 2024

Emanuel Pastriech & US Elections: Which Way to Revolution?

 Kate Frey from the Worker’s League discusses her groups rationale behind their support for Emanuel Pastreich, a former GP candidate for President in 2020 but not this year.  Check us out!

Kate Frey: We Are Many, They Are Few

Kate Frey: On Rumble

How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

To see all our episodes go to:

What’s Left? Website:

iTunesSpotifyBitchuteYouTube:  LBRYTelegram :Odysee:  Googleplaymusic


Saturday, September 7, 2024

It’s the Stupid Economy.

 Kenny and Andy grapple with the complexities of the global economy and how it’s related to all the political events that we see happening around us. Check us out!

How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

To see all our episodes go to:

What’s Left? Website:

iTunesSpotifyBitchuteYouTube:  LBRYTelegram :Odysee:  Googleplaymusic
