Saturday, August 31, 2024

Pavel Durov and Why It’s Called “The Net”

 Kenny and Andy discuss the meaning behind the recent arrest of Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram. Check us out!

Richard Medhurst Arrested

How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

To see all our episodes go to:

What’s Left? Website:

iTunesSpotifyBitchuteYouTube:  LBRYTelegram :Odysee:  Googleplaymusic


Saturday, August 24, 2024

What’s Left, What’s Right and What’s Real?

 James D. (An LAUSD teacher who opposed the lockdown mandates) remains us today to talk about how our work together is an example of the possibility of people from the Left collaborating with people from the Right.  It all sounds great until things get real during the course of the episode. Is Left, Right collaboration really possible?  You decide Check us out!

How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

To see all our episodes go to:

What’s Left? Website:

iTunesSpotifyBitchuteYouTube:  LBRYTelegram :Odysee:  Googleplaymusic


Saturday, August 17, 2024

The New Scramble for Africa

Alex, Kenny and Andy return to the 2nd part of the Scramble for Africa series to discuss how US, China and Russia are now involved in a massive carve up Africa today.  How is it similar or different from the last scramble over 100 years ago. Check us out!

How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

To see all our episodes go to:

What’s Left? Website:

iTunesSpotifyBitchuteYouTube:  LBRYTelegram :Odysee:  Googleplaymusic


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Starting to Change the World

 Alex discusses his desires and doubts to move his life in the direction of organizing to deal with the many and multiplying troubles he sees in the world.  We have the discussion on “What’s Left?” because ultimately we think everyone has to struggle with some of the questions that cause him to hesitate.  Check us out!

How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

To see all our episodes go to:

What’s Left? Website:

iTunesSpotifyBitchuteYouTube:  LBRYTelegram :Odysee:  Googleplaymusic


Saturday, August 3, 2024

Paris Olympics: Western Capitalists Prepare for War

Kenny and Andy discuss the opening ceremony of the Paris olympics and discuss what it portends about the plans our rulers have in store for us.  Check us out!

How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

To see all our episodes go to:

What’s Left? Website:

iTunesSpotifyBitchuteYouTube:  LBRYTelegram :Odysee:  Googleplaymusic
