Saturday, July 27, 2024

The First "Scramble for Africa"

 In part 1 of a 2 part series, What’s Left? begins our examination of the New Scramble for Africa which is taking place now by looking at the 1st scramble for Africa which takes place roughly from (1830 - 1950). Looking into this had a number of surprises for us which we share with our audience.  Check us out!

How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Trump Assassination Attempt: Deep State or Deep Fake?

Was it a clumsy security accident, a deep-state hit on a presidential candidate determined to drain the swamp or an elaborate hoax meant to boost Donald Trump’s presidency?  What’s Left? considers all three scenarios and speculate on what is behind the remarkable events in Butler PA this weekend.  What does all this mean for workers in the United States and what does it say about what is coming from the US ruling class?  Check us out! 

How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

To see all our episodes go to:

What’s Left? Website:

iTunesSpotifyBitchuteYouTube:  LBRYTelegram :Odysee:  Googleplaymusic


Saturday, July 13, 2024

European Elections: Victory for the Left? Nope.

 Alex, Andy and Kenny discuss the results of the recent elections in England and France.  Are the results a step forward for the working class as many progressives and socialists claim?  We don’t think so.  Check out why?

How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

To see all our episodes go to:

What’s Left? Website:

iTunesSpotifyBitchuteYouTube:  LBRYTelegram :Odysee:  Googleplaymusic


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Return to the Noosphere (with John Klyczek)

 John Klyczek joins “What’s Left?” To share his thoughts on the Rand documents discussing the new possibilities for US global hegemony presented by the Noosphere and Noopolitik. We also debate the roles of hard power and soft power in the application of ruling class control.  Check us out!

School World Order

John Klyczek’s Moldova presentation

RAND article #2: Whose Story Wins

How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

To see all our episodes go to:

What’s Left? Website:

iTunesSpotifyBitchuteYouTube:  LBRYTelegram :Odysee:  Googleplaymusic
