Friday, July 28, 2023

Responding to Your RFK Jr. (YouTube) Comments

Last weeks, episode, where we debated and discussed voting for RFK Jr. with Michael Kane was a doozy!  11,000 views and almost 900 comments.  We can’t respond to them all but we decided to use this episode to respond to the comments that made us laugh and made us think.  Thanks everyone!!!  Check it out!

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Friday, July 21, 2023

So, Are You Voting For RFK Jr.?

Michael Kane rejoins “What’s Left?” to discuss why we should get behind the candidacy of RFK Jr.  Andy and Jessica say why they’re not planning on supporting RFK Jr. and Eduardo?  Well, who knows.  Check it out!

Michael Kane is the founder of which is 100% opposed to medical mandates for anyone to keep their job, especially educators. He is currently the Grassroots Organizer for AMERICAN VALUES 2024 which is focused on making Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the next President of the United States. Kane previously worked as the Grassroots Organizer for Children's Health Defense and is also the the lead plaintiff in the case Kane v. de Blasio where New York City is being sued for firing educators who declined covid vaccination.

American Values 2024

Teachers for Choice

Children’s Health Defense Fund

 How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

To see all our episodes go to:

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Saturday, July 15, 2023

Exclusive Inclusivity in Academia

 Today our co-host, Jessica, shares with us her experience and thoughts on a recent academic conference she attended. Jessica is a Ph.D professor of English and has long been in academia circles. After being banned from conferences due to the entry restrictions she shares with us what it has been like for her going back with other evolved positions.

 Ox Sam Camp

How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

To see all our episodes go to:

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Saturday, July 8, 2023

Rebellion in France: The House Always Wins

There have been consecutive nights of unrest in the banlieues of France as 17 year old Nahel Merzouk, the teenager from a Paris suburb who was fatally shot by a police officer while driving away during a traffic stop, is being mourned and igniting a counterforce against the State. France has experienced a high in massive protests recently from the yellow vest movement, union strikes, COVID lockdowns, and pensions reforms. What do make of these protests and of the signs of disunity even within the uprisings?

 Ox Sam Camp

How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

To see all our episodes go to:

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Saturday, July 1, 2023

Lost in the Fog of War

 Today we cover our ongoing coverage of the war in Ukraine in light of the recent "coup" attempt by Yevgeny Prigozhin, chief of the paramilitary the Wagner Group. Our What's Left? co-host, Andy Libson, has been unfolding the many layers there is to this conflict and what he deems is the answer to end all nuclear catastrophe. Stay tuned for this in-depth analysis.

Big Serge on Putin Coup

Grayzone on counter-offensive

Alison McDowell’s recent episode

Ox Sam Camp

How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt 

To see all our episodes go to:

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iTunesSpotifyBitchuteYouTube:  LBRYTelegram :OdyseestitcherGoogleplaymusic
