Friday, February 26, 2021

Talking with Michael Kane: NY Teachers for Choice

As more people are getting their vaccines and, in some cases, being required to get them, today we speak with Michael Kane about NY Teachers for Choice. Kane is a New York teacher member of the United Federation of Teachers. He, along with other colleagues and families, are advocating against forced medical mandates for any American to keep their job, especially educators. Check out our interview.

NY Teachers for Choice

Petition Against Mandatory Vaccination

What’s Left? Website:

Previous What’s Left? Episodes

Last Week: GameStop Fiasco

Operation Warp Speed

Alison 4th Industrial Revolution

Alison (Internet of Bodies)

Podcasts: iTunes: Spotify: Bitchute: YouTubeLBRY:  stitcher: Googleplaymusic

Friday, February 19, 2021

GameStop, Robinhood & the Curious Case of the Rich Getting Richer

As we attempt to make sense of the recent GameStop fiasco we take a look at lessons of the stock market and their cheating games. We also delve into the spike of cryptocurrencies afterwards and if this "decentralized" system could be the way to go. So, we invited the writer, educator, blogger, and devoted researcher of the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", Alison McDowell to share her thoughts with us. Check us out.

Wrench in the Gears

Wrong Kind of Green

Clive Spash

What’s Left? Website:

Previous What’s Left? Episodes

Last Week: Right Asks the Left

Alison McDowell (4th Industrial Revolution)

Alison McDowell (Internet of Bodies)

Podcasts: iTunes: Spotify: Bitchute: YouTubeLBRY:  stitcher: Googleplaymusic

Sunday, February 14, 2021

What’s Right About Talking to the Left?

This time the roles are reversed.  Rob Doyle and Jake Schmidt (two Trump voters who consider themselves more on the conservative spectrum), ask What’s Left? Some questions about the Constitution, the Green New Deal, wealth and income, who is rich?, taxes, immigration and racism.  This is part of what we hope to be an ongoing engagement between those of us who claim Left with those who claim Right.

Policing Pregnancy

Michele Goodwin, a University of California Irvine law professor and founding director of the Center for Biotechnology and Global Health Policy, explains America’s long history of policing the reproductive choices of Black women.

What’s Left? Website:

Previous What’s Left? Episodes

Last Week: SF Sues SFUSD

Rob and Jake Interview

Podcasts: iTunes: Spotify: Bitchute: YouTubeLBRY:  stitcher: Googleplaymusic