Saturday, August 29, 2020

U.S. Postal Disservice

 The US Postal Service has been in the news recently. Lack of funding, reduction in hours of postal workers, removal of post machines and the shutting down of post offices. But when did all this start happening? Check us out as we examine the move to privatize the USPS.

Previous What’s Left? Episodes

Last Week: UAE Israel Deal

Prop C and Elections

Does Voting Matter

Democratic Party and Election Fraud

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Friday, August 21, 2020

Fake Peace, Make War

What do we make of the recent Israel-United Arab Emirates "Peace Deal"? It will "suspend" the annexation of the West Bank but will it really renew negotiations to end the Palestianian-Israeli conflict? And what is the mainstream Left's response to it all in the context of the Democratic Convention gearing up for the elections? Check us out as we discuss these events and what they mean for workers in the Middle East and the United States.

Previous What’s Left? Episodes

Last Week: Lockdown Summer

Iran Deal

Does Voting Matter

What’s Left? Website: Podcasts: iTunes: Spotify: Bitchute: stitcher: Googleplaymusic:

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Our Lockdown Summer

Summer 2020: Biden has picked his Vice President candidate. #BlackLivesMatter protests. The murder of George Floyd. Portland protestors have been abducted by secret police in unmarked vans. Beirut, Lebanon explosion. COVID19 confinement. A lot has happened during this historic and significant year in such a short time. Check us out as we look back at all that has transpired and share our thoughts.

Previous What’s Left? Episodes

Last Week: Distance Learning and Child Development

Stimulus Package

Does Voting Matter

Gun Control

What’s Left? Website: Podcasts: iTunes: Spotify: Bitchute: stitcher: Googleplaymusic:

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Is Distance Learning "Safe"?

As the start of school inches ever closer we take a look at the adverse effects of the current crisis and online distance learning with two Child Development professionals from CCSF, Tracy Burt and Stephen Santos Rico. Their expertise supports mounting evidence that this new social tech experiment will have long term consequences on children's social-emotional and physical development. Check us out!

What’s Left? Website: Podcasts: iTunes: Spotify: Bitchute: stitcher: Googleplaymusic:

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Reimagining Post-Human Education: From College Credit to Social Credit

We continue on our saga on tech in education. John Klyczek (author of “School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education") speaks with today about the specific government and corporate agendas that are looking to dismantle public education and data-mine students and educators with the long term plan to replace teachers with artificial intelligence and strip away completely the human social context.

School World Order

Distance Learning Rules 85 Fr 18638:

CARES competitions

 (Operation Lock Step: pages 18 - 25)

DeVos/Neurcore article:

Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Big Data, and the Public-Private Planned Economy:

Previous What’s Left? Episodes

Last Week: AJ Johnstone

Alison McDowell

Reopening Schools

Pandemic Pandemonia

What’s Left? Website: Podcasts: iTunes: Spotify: Bitchute: stitcher: Googleplaymusic: