Saturday, February 29, 2020

Who is Meddling in U.S. Elections?

"U.S. intelligence officials have concluded that the Russian government is attempting to interfere in the 2020 presidential race — but it is doing so by supporting two very different candidates." So goes the New York Times in the latest article in their case against President Trump and Senator Sanders. But is it really the Russian government meddling in the USA elections or is something else going on? NY Times Article: Previous What’s Left? Episodes Last Week: Coronavirus DNC At It Again in Iowa Russiagate What’s Left? Website: Podcasts: iTunes: Bitchute: stitcher: Googleplaymusic:

Friday, February 21, 2020

Conversation About Covid-19

On today’s episode we will look into the Covid-19, or the Coronavirus as it’s more commonly called. What is it? How does it get transmitted? How would worried should we get? Why is it happening now? And how is it political? We will explore all of these questions and more here on What’s Left? with each of the hosts personal take on it. Previous What’s Left? Episodes Last Week: DNC At It Again in Iowa Conspiracy Theories What’s Left? Website: Podcasts: iTunes: Bitchute: stitcher: Googleplaymusic:

Friday, February 14, 2020

DNC At It Again in Iowa

This episode is dedicated in loving memory to Andy’s adventure pal, Naboo. Safe travels, my friend! On today’s episode we discuss the Iowa and New Hampshire primary presidential election results. We see how it foreshadows the Democratic National Committee’s corrupt intent on undermining Senator Bernie Sanders campaign. But most importantly we wonder why Sanders continues to put up with it and is this the way the Left should go. Previous What’s Left? Episodes Last Week: Class Struggle in France Predictions 2020 Does Voting Matter? What’s Left? Website: Podcasts: iTunes: Bitchute: stitcher: Googleplaymusic:

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Revisiting Class Struggle in France

Tune in to hear what Eduardo, our co-host, has to say about his recent trip France and the political situation there. Previous What’s Left? Episodes Last week: Predictions 2020 About Kenny Z. Yellow Vests What’s Left? Website: Podcasts: iTunes: Bitchute: stitcher: Googleplaymusic: